The underlying objective of this article is to provide our developer community with a transparent update on our progress regarding Plonky3 and Valida. We understand and appreciate the enthusiasm and eagerness with which many are anticipating the release of these libraries for their projects. As we navigate through the complexities of development, your understanding and patience mean everything to us. In addition to the specifics covered in this review criteria, we will also be separately publishing detailed notes on the LLVM Valida compiler. This separate publication will ensure a focused and comprehensive discussion on that particular aspect. Our commitment remains steadfast in delivering a robust MVP that meets the standards and expectations of our community.
Currently, based on our development trajectory, we project a combined total of two to four persons-months to complete the MVP.
Early Access Program
As we continue our journey in refining and expanding the capabilities of Valida and its compiler infrastructure, we are excited to explore the possibility of launching an early access program. Before our broader open-source release – encompassing the Valida compiler, toolchain, and associated utilities – we’re considering granting complimentary and early access to a select group of trusted partners. This initiative aims to foster a closer collaboration, enabling us to receive invaluable feedback directly from our most engaged users. Such partnerships will be instrumental in refining our systems, ensuring that when we move to a wider release, we present a product that is robust, reliable, and meets the diverse needs of our community. If the prospect of early engagement and collaboration resonates with you, we would be delighted to discuss the opportunity to welcome you as one of our early access partners.
Please reach out to v@delendum.xyz for early access program.
Review Criteria
This section outlines the criteria with respect to which Plonky3 and Valida will be reviewed in order to scope out the remaining work on them for the MVP.
Functional completeness & happy path correctness
This review will try to verify that Plonky3 and Valida are functionally complete for the purposes of the MVP, and that the “happy path” (non-exceptional) execution patterns are correct.
Partiality refers to when a partial computable function is not total computable: i.e., when the function may fail, for some inputs, to terminate with a result of its specified output type. There are two ways for a partial computable function to exhibit partiality on some inputs: either it fails to terminate on those inputs, or it exhibits an abnormal termination condition (such as a segmentation fault in C++ or a panic in Rust) on those inputs.
For our purposes, Plonky3 and Valida ought to consist of total functions. For an MVP, there should be no known partiality in Plonky3 and Valida. All functions exposed by their APIs should exhibit a normal termination condition on all inputs. This is important for ensuring the robustness of services built on these APIs.
This review will try to flag all potential causes of partiality in Valida and Plonky3.
Exception handling
This review will try to assess what edge cases and exceptional conditions may occur in the anticipated Plonky3 / Valida execution paths. The review will try to flag any edge cases or exceptional conditions that may have an undesired result, such as:
- unintended or inexpedient suppression of an error condition,
- throwing an exception when a graceful failure would be preferable,
- a graceful failure without adequate logging of the error condition,
- an uninformative error message, or
- an abnormal termination.
Floating point in verifiers
The Plonky3 and Valida verifier algorithms must not make use of floating point primitives, because these will not be assumed to be present in the context of verification inside a Valida STARK, as in recursive proofs. This review will try to verify that floating point primitives are not being used in the Plonky3 and Valida verifiers, or flag any usage thereof.
Asymptotic complexity
This review will try to identify any algorithms in Plonky3 and Valida which are in an asymptotic complexity class that is non-optimal for a solution to that problem (i.e., asymptotically slow solutions). Any asymptotically slow solutions in Plonky3 and Valida may likely present issues for scalability.
System support
Valida and Plonky3 must be buildable _on _the following systems:
Valida and Plonky3 must be buildable targeting the following systems:
- x86_64-linux
- ARM64-android
The Valida and Plonky3 verifiers _must be buildable _targeting the following systems:
- x86_64-linux
- ARM64-android
- Valida
The x86_64-linux and ARM-64-android targets are supported by rustc (which is based on LLVM), and so building Valida to run on these targets should not be a big problem. To build the verifiers to run on Valida, we’ll need to get the Valida LLVM backend to a sufficient level of completion.
Plonky3 review
This review applies to commit 000681e190eb0f7fc8523f47b8bd06de075460d8 of Plonky3.
Plonky3 consists of the following functional components, listed in a linearization of their dependency ordering:
- A collection of simple utility functions. This is located in the util subdirectory.
- A feature-gated wrapper around [rayon](https://docs.rs/rayon/latest/rayon/). This is located in the maybe-rayon subdirectory.
- A field abstraction with various implementations and associated algorithms. This is located in the field subdirectory.
- A collection of utilities for testing field implementations. This is located in the field-testing subdirectory.
- A matrix abstraction with various implementations and associated algorithms. This is located in the matrix subdirectory.
- A collection of AIR-related traits and implementations, including a two-row matrix view and affine functions over columns in a pair (“virtual columns”). This is located in the air subdirectory.
- A framework for symmetric crypto primitives, including compression function related traits and implementations, a padding-free, overwrite-mode sponge function, a hasher trait, a serializing hasher, and cryptographic permutation related traits. This is located in the symmetric subdirectory.
- An implementation of the Baby bear field and its quartic and quintic extension fields. This is located in the baby-bear subdirectory.
- An implementation of the Goldilocks field and its quadratic extension field. This is located in the goldilocks subdirectory.
- An implementation of the Mersenne-31 field and some of its field extensions, as well as DFT and radix 2 DIT implementations for Mersenne-31. This is located in the mersenne-31 subdirectory.
- A Keccak permutation and hash function implementation. This is located in the keccak subdirectory.
- A Blake3 hash function implementation. This is located in the blake3 subdirectory.
- A library of DFT-related traits and implementations. This is located in the dft subdirectory.
- A collection of coding theoretic traits. This is located in the code subdirectory.
- A collection of LDE-related traits and implementations, used for testing only. This is located in the lde subdirectory.
- An implementation of Reed-Solomon codes. This is located in the reed-solomon subdirectory.
- A collection of traits and implementations for generating Fiat-Shamir challenges based on an IOP’s transcript. This is located in the challenger subdirectory.
- A collection of commitment scheme traits. This is located in the commit subdirectory.
- A collection of MDS permutation related traits and implementations. This is located in the mds subdirectory.
- A Poseidon permutation implementation. This is located in the poseidon subdirectory.
- A Poseidon2 permutation implementation and related traits and implementations. This is located in the poseidon2 subdirectory.
- A Rescue-XLIX permutation implementation. This is located in the rescue subdirectory.
- A binary Merkle tree implementation and a vector commitment scheme backed by binary Merkle trees. This is located in the merkle-tree subdirectory.
- An implementation of the Spielman-based code described in the Brakedown paper. This is located in the brakedown subdirectory.
- A couple of functions to help with Lagrange interpolation. This is located in the interpolation subdirectory.
- A collection of traits and implementations related to low degree tests, including a low degree test based PCS. This is located in the ldt subdirectory.
- A PCS using degree 2 tensor codes, based on BCG20. This is located in the tensor-pcs subdirectory.
- An implementation of the Monolith-31 permutation. This is located in the monolith subdirectory.
- An implementation of FRI. This is located in the fri subdirectory.
- A minimal univariate STARK framework. This is located in the uni-stark subdirectory.
- A minimal multivariate STARK framework. This is located in the multi-stark subdirectory.
- An AIR for the Keccak-f permutation. This is located in the keccak-air subdirectory. I believe this is for illustration purposes only.
Functional completeness & happy path correctness
The FRI verifier is not yet implemented; see fri/src/verifier.rs. The univariate STARK verifier has one of its checks commented out, with a comment that says TODO: Re-enable when it's passing.; see uni-stark/src/verifier.rs. There is no verifier module in the multivariate STARK framework. The insufficiency of functioning verifiers suggests that there may be undiscovered bugs in proving which would be flushed out in testing against a verifier.
The main correctness properties we are looking for out of Plonky3 are soundness and completeness. A proof protocol is sound if and only if the verifier will not accept anything as proof of a false statement. A proof protocol is complete if and only if the prover always successfully outputs a proof when given true inputs, and the verifier accepts all proofs which the prover successfully outputs.
Plonky3 consists of a collection of proof protocols and supporting libraries. The proof protocols specifically included in Plonky3 are FRI and Keccak AIR. Keccak AIR seems to serve as an example, demonstrating how one can use the libraries in Plonky3 to create new AIR-based proof protocols verified using a FRI polynomial commitment scheme (PCS). The main correctness properties we are looking for out of Plonky3 are that FRI is sound and complete, and that the proof protocols we build with Plonky3 are sound and complete when they are correctly built. These correctness properties as stated are rather vague and ambiguous; in particular, they leave undefined what it means for a protocol to be correctly built using Plonky3. The process of verifying Plonky3 should involve defining, as formally as is reasonably possible, some sufficient conditions for protocols built using Plonky3 to be sound.
Soundness cannot be tested very effectively. Tests of soundness could include providing random statements and random proofs and testing that the verifier rejects them (which it should do with overwhelming probability). Tests of soundness could also include fuzz testing, where one takes a true statement and a valid proof of it and makes random changes to the statement or the proof, checking that the verifier rejects the result (which it should do, with overwhelming probability). However, these tests are really not enough to verify soundness, nor are any tests. Soundness has to be proven.
This review did not include a concerted effort to establish that the implementations of Plonky3 are correct in their happy paths. Because of the incompleteness of the verifier implementations, there is a high likelihood that the prover implementations are wrong in some aspects, since without a complete verifier implementation, the prover implementations cannot be tested for completeness or soundness.
There is one instance of todo!() in the non-test code. It is stubbing out the implementation of to_row_major_matrix in the trait definition of MatrixRows<T> in matrix/src/lib.rs.
There are 10 instances of panic!() in non-test code:
- In the MatrixRows<T>::row implementation for TwoRowMatrixView<'_, T>, in air/src/two_matrix.rs.
- In the MatrixRowSlices<T>::row_slice implementation for TwoRowMatrixView<'_, T>, in air/src/two_matrix.rs.
- In the unsafe implementation of PackedField::interleave for PackedBabyBearNeon in baby-bear/src/aarch64_neon.rs.
- In the implementation of PackedField::interleave for PackedMersenne31Neon in mersenne-31/src/aarch64_neon.rs.
- In the implementation of get_max_height in the trait definition of Mmcs<T>, in commit/src/mmcs.rs.
- In the implementation of PackedField::interleave for F: Field in field/src/packed.rs.
- In the implementation of prove in fri/src/prover.rs.
- In the implementation of AirBuilder::is_transition_window for ConstraintFolder<'a, F, Challenge, PackedChallenge> in multi-stark/src/folder.rs.
- In the implementation of AirBuilder::is_transition_window for ProverConstraintFolder<'a, SC> in uni-stark/src/folder.rs.
- In the implementation of AirBuilder::is_transition_window for VerifierConstraintFolder<'a, Challenge> in uni-stark/src/folder.rs.
There are 9 instances of .expect() in non-test code:
- In the implementation of CanSample<F>::sample for DuplexChallenger<F, P, WIDTH> in challenger/src/duplex_challenger.rs.
- In the implementation of CanSample<F>::sample for HashChallenger<F, H, OUT_LEN> in challenger/src/hash_challenger.rs.
- In the implementation of AbstractExtensionField<F>::from_base_slice for BinomialExtensionField<F, D> in fields/src/extension/binomial_extension.rs.
- In the default implementation of Field::inverse in field/src/field.rs.
- In the implementation of sum_vecs in field/src/helpers.rs.
- In the implementation of get_repeated in ldt/src/quotient.rs.
- In the implementation of AbstractField::from_canonical_u64 for Mersenne31 in mersenne-31/src/lib.rs.
- In the implementation of AbstractField::from_canonical_usize for Mersenne31 in mersenne-31/src/lib.rs.
- In the implementation of get_inverse in rescue/src/util.rs.
There are 20 instances of .unwrap() in non-test code:
- In the implementation of batch_multiplicative_inverse in field/src/batch_inverse.rs.
- In the implementation of Permutation::permute for KeccakF in keccak/src/lib.rs.
- In the implementation of Mccs<EF>::open_batch for QuotientMmcs<F, EF, Inner> in ldt/src/quotient.rs.
- In the implementation of Mccs<EF>::verify_batch for QuotientMmcs<F, EF, Inner> in ldt/src/quotient.rs.
- In the implementation of Default::default for CosetMds<F, N> in mds/src/coset_mds.rs.
- In the implementation of apply_circulant_fft in mds/src/util.rs.
- In the implementation of FieldMerkleTree<F, DIGEST_ELEMS>::new, in merkle-tree/src/merkle-tree.rs.
- In the implementation of FieldMerkleTree<F, DIGEST_ELEMS>::root, in merkle-tree/src/merkle-tree.rs.
- In the implementation of Mmcs<P::Scalar>::verify_batch for FieldMerkleTreeMmcs<P, H, C, DIGEST_ELEMS>, in merkle-tree/src/mmcs.rs.
- In the implementation of Permutation::permute for MonolithMdsMatrixMersenne31<NUM_ROUNDS> in monolith/src/monolith.rs.
- In the implementation of Rescue<F, Mds, Sbox, WIDTH>::num_rounds in rescue/src/rescue.rs.
- In the implementation of get_alpha in rescue/src/util.rs.
- In the implementation of get_inverse in rescue/src/util.rs.
- In the implementation of PseudoCompressionFunction<[T; CHUNK], N>::compress for TruncatedPermutation<InnerP, N, CHUNK, WIDTH> in symmetric/src/compression.rs.
- In the implementation of CryptographicHasher<F, [F; 4]>::hash_iter for SerializingHasher<F, Inner> in symmetric/serializing_hasher.rs.
- In the implementation of CryptographicHasher<F, [F; 8]>::hash_iter for SerializingHasher<F, Inner> in symmetric/serializing_hasher.rs.
- In the implementation of CryptographicHasher<T, [T; OUT]>::hash_iter for PaddingFreeSponge<P, WIDTH, RATE, OUT> in symmetric/src/sponge.rs.
- In the implementation of optimal_wraps in tensor_pcs/src/reshape.rs.
- In the implementation of Iterator::next for WrappedMatrixRow<'a, T, M> in tensor-pcs/src/wrapped_matrix.rs.
- In the implementation of prove in uni-stark/src/prover.rs.
The following files contain instances of assert!() and/or assert_eq!() in non-test code:
- In PackedField::from_slice for PackedBabyBearNeon, line 572
In PackedField::from_slice_mut for PackedBabyBearNeon, line 582
In AbstractExtensionField<AF>::from_base_slice for AF :
AbstractField, line 309
- In add_vecs, line 36
- In Borrow<KeccakCols<T>> for [T], line 126
- In Borrow<KeccakCols<T>> for [T], line 127
- In Borrow<KeccakCols<T>> for [T], line 128
- In BorrowMut<KeccakCols<T>> for [T], line 137
- In BorrowMut<KeccakCols<T>> for [T], line 138
- In BorrowMut<KeccakCols<T>> for [T], line 139
- In mul_csr_dense, line 19
- In VerticalPair<T, First, Second>::new, line 14
- In PackedField::from_slice for PackedMersenne31Neon, line 522
In PackedField::from_slice_mut for PackedMersenne31Neon, line 533
In TwoAdicField::two_adic_generator for
Mersenne31Complex<Mersenne31>, line 275
In AbstractExtensionField<AF>::from_base_slice for
Mersenne31Complex<AF> where AF: AbstractField<F = Mersenne31>
In MonolithMersenne31<Mds, WIDTH, NUM_FULL_ROUNDS>::new where
Mds: MdsPermutation<Mersenne31, WIDTH>, line 38
In MonolithMersenne31<Mds, WIDTH, NUM_FULL_ROUNDS>::new where
Mds: MdsPermutation<Mersenne31, WIDTH>, line 39
In MonolithMersenne31<Mds, WIDTH, NUM_FULL_ROUNDS>::new where
Mds: MdsPermutation<Mersenne31, WIDTH>, line 40
- In Poseidon<F, Mds, WIDTH, ALPHA>::new, line 40
- In WrappedMatrix::new, line 16
- In prove, line 45
- In log2_strict_usize, line 32
The following files contain unsafe blocks, which should be assumed pending further review to potentially result in partiality:
- baby-bear/src/aarch64_neon.rs
- dft/src/butterflies.rs
- dft/src/util.rs
- field/src/packed.rs
- goldilocks/src/lib.rs
- keccak-air/src/columns.rs
- matrix/src/dense.rs
- mersenne-31/src/aarch64_neon.rs
- monolith/src/monolith.rs
- util/src/lib.rs
The following arithmetic operations may potentially result in a division by zero, which would cause a panic:
- In the implementation of Matrix<T>::height for RowMajorMatrix<T>, in matrix/src/dense.rs, line 179.
- In the implementation of Matrix<T>::height for RowMajorMatrixViewM<;'_, T> in matrix/src/dense.rs, line 256.
- In the implementation of Matrix<T>::height for VerticallyStridedMatrixView<Inner> in matrix/src/dense.rs, line 16.
- In the implementation of Mmcs<EF>::open_batch for QuotientMmcs<F, EF, Inner> in ldt/src/quotient.rs, on line 71.
- In the implementation of Matrix<T>::height for WrappedMatrix<T, M> in tensor-pcs/src/wrapped_matrix.rs, line 34.
The following instances of unchecked array indexing may potentially result in an index out of range error and a panic:
- In FieldMerkleTree<F, DIGEST_ELEMS>::root, in merkle_tree/src/merkle_tree.rs, line 53.
- In first_digest_layer, in merkle_tree/src/merkle_tree.rs, line 107.
- In compress_and_inject, in merkle_tree/src/merkle_tree.rs, lines 160, 171, 172, 188, 189, 198, and 199.
- In compress, in merkle_tree/src/merkle_tree.rs, lines 230, 231, 241, 242.
- In prove, in uni-stark/src/prover.rs, lines 75, 76, and 77.
Exception handling
The Goldilocks field implementation allows for non-canonical forms, which means that field elements can be represented by 64-bit integers larger than the largest field element, with wrap-around semantics. This can lead to unexpected behaviors; for example, two instances of the same field element may have different hashes, because one is the canonical form and one is the non-canonical form.
The following arithmetic operations may potentially result in unchecked arithmetic overflow or underflow:
- The multiplication in PrimeField64::linear_combination_u64 for Mersenne31, on line 257 of mersenne-31/src/lib.rs.
- The multiplication in PrimeField64::linear_combination_u64 for Mersenne31, on line 259 of mersenne-31/src/lib.rs.
- In the implementation of dit_butterfly_inner in mersenne/src/radix_2_dit.rs, lines 133-148.
- In the default implementation of TwoAdicSubgroupDft::coset_lde_batch, on line 93 of dft/src/traits.rs.
- In the default implementation of SystematicCode::parity_len, on line 15 of code/src/systematic.rs.
- In the implementation of interpolate_coset, on line 55 of interpolation/src/lib.rs.
Floating point in verifiers
Plonky3 uses floating point to compute Rescue<F, Mds, Sbox, WIDTH>::num_rounds, in rescue/src/rescue.rs, on line 40. This function plausibly would be involved in a verifier algorithm for Plonky3 using Rescue-XLIX as its hash function.
Asymptotic complexity
No asymptotically slow algorithms were identified in this review.
Valida review
This review applies to commit eddd2b031a13278bc4855dea802fbc045f1378d8 of Valida (available in the lita-xyz fork). This review does not include the assembler in the assembler subdirectory. The following Valida functional components are in scope (listed in a linearization of their dependency ordering):
- Some macros for deriving trait implementations of Machine, Borrow, and BorrowMut. This is located in the derive subdirectory.
- Some utility functions, located in the util subdirectory.
- A dictionary of opcodes, located in the opcodes subdirectory.
- A collection of traits, types, and implementations for building Valida chip AIRs, Valida VMs, and Valida zk-VM STARKs. This is located in the machine subdirectory.
- A collection of bus-related traits. This is located in the bus subdirectory.
- A RAM chip implementation with an associated AIR implementation. This is located in the memory subdirectory.
- A program ROM chip implementation with an associated AIR implementation. This is located in the program subdirectory.
- A range checker chip implementation with an associated AIR implementation. This is located in the range subdirectory.
- A CPU chip implementation with an associated AIR implementation. This is located in the cpu subdirectory.
- A 32-bit ALU chip implementation with an associated AIR implementation. This is located in the alu_u32 subdirectory.
- A native field chip implementation with an associated AIR implementation. This is located in the native_field subdirectory.
- An output chip implementation with an associated AIR implementation. This is located in the output subdirectory.
- A basic Valida zk-VM implementation and a wrapper to run its prover. This is located in the basic subdirectory.
- A verifier stub. This is located in the verifier subdirectory.
Functional completeness & happy path correctness
The verifier is not implemented; see verifier/src/lib.rs.
The DIV32 AIR for the ALU_U32 AIR is not implemented; see alu_u32/src/div/stark.rs.
The implementation of Chip<M>::localSends for Mul32Chip is stubbed out, in alu_u32/src/mul/mod.rs, line 84.
The constraints for immediate values are missing a range check on read_value_2, in the implementation of Air<AB>::eval in cpu/src/stark.rs; see line 41.
Not all parts of the transcript are observed by the challenger. This can result in soundness bugs. See derive/src/lib.rs, line 253 and line 277.
The implementation of PermutationAirBuilder::permutation_randomness for ConstraintFolder<a, F, EF, M> is stubbed out; see machine/src/__internal/folding_builder.rs, line 32.
The implementation of AirBuilder::assert_zero for ConstraintFolder<'a, F, EF, M> is stubbed out; see machine/src/__internal/folding_builder.rs, line 88.
The implementation of prove in machine/src/__internal/prove.rs is stubbed out.
The range checker chip STARK is not implemented; see range/src/stark.rs.
A comment in memory/src/stark.rs says FIXME: Degree constraint 4, need to remove. It’s not clear to me why a degree 4 constraint needs to be removed. Is this an optimization or a requirement for functional completeness and correctness?
The default extension field for valida-derive is the Baby bear field, which is also the default field. The comment on it says FIXME: Replace. See machine/src/__internal/mod.rs, line 4. This may not matter, though, if the defaults are never used.
There are concerns around the soundness of the memory argument; see Valida issue #40.
The main correctness properties we are looking for out of Valida are its soundness and completeness. The Valida verifier should not accept anything as proof of a false claim. Also, for all true statements of the form “Valida program p has output _x _on some input” which are verified by an execution trace within the size limitations of the SNARK, the prover can construct a Valida SNARK of that statement, which the Valida verifier accepts.
As with Plonky3, this review made no concerted effort to check that Valida is correct in its happy path executions. Testing soundness and completeness would require a verifier. Testing soundness is not really achievable, and at the end of the day soundness needs to be proven.
There are three instances of panic!() , excluding macro code which is only executed at compile-time, and code which is only used for debugging:
- In the quoted code for run in the implementation of the run_method macro in derive/src/lib.rs.
- In the implementation of AirBuilder::is_transition_window for ConstraintFolder<a, F, EF, M> in machine/src/__internal/folding_builder.rs.
- In the implementation of MemoryChip::read, in memory/src/lib.rs.
There are no instances of .expect() in non-test code, except for some instances in macro code which runs exclusively at compile time. It is okay for code which runs exclusively at compile time to be partial, as long as it terminates.
There are 16 instances of .unwrap() in non-test-code, excluding macro code which runs exclusively at compile time:
- In the implementation of main in basic/src/bin/valida.rs, on the call to load_program_rom.
- In the implementation of main in basic/src/bin/valida.rs, on the call to std::io::stdin().read_to_end.
- In the implementation of main in basic/src/bin/valida.rs, on the call to std::io::stdout().write_all.
- In the implementation of check_constraints in machine/src/__internal/check_constraints.rs, on line 30.
- In the implementation of check_constraints in machine/src/__internal/check_constraints.rs, on line 39.
- In the implementation of check_constraints in machine/src/__internal/check_constraints.rs, on line 44.
- In the implementation of check_cumulative_sums in machine/src/__internal/check_constraints.rs, on line 90.
- In the implementation of generate_permutation_trace in machine/src/chip.rs, on line 40.
- In the implementation of generate_permutation_trace in machine/src/chip.rs, on line 169.
- In the implementation of generate_permutation_trace in machine/src/chip.rs, on line 189.
- In the implementation of eval_permutation_constraints in machine/src/chip.rs, on line 268.
- In the implementation of eval_permutation_constraints in machine/src/chip.rs, on line 270.
- In the implementation of MemoryChip::insert_dummy_reads in memory/src/lib.rs, on line 257.
- In the implementation of MemoryChip::insert_dummy_reads in memory/src/lib.rs, on line 258.
- In the implementation of MemoryChip::insert_dummy_reads in memory/src/lib.rs, on line 259.
- In the implementation of Instruction<M>::execute for WriteInstruction in output/src/lib.rs, on line 154.
There are 4 instances of assert_eq!() in non-test code which is run after compile time:
- In the implementation of check_constraints in machine/src/__internal/check_constraints.rs.
- In the implementation of check_cumulative_sums in machine/src/__internal/check_constraints.rs.
- In the implementation of Instruction<M>::execute for WriteInstruction in output/src/lib.rs, on lines 162 and 163.
There is one instance of assert!() in non-test code which runs after compile time:
- In the default implementation of read_word in the MachineWithProgramChip trait definition, in program/src/lib.rs.
The following files contain unsafe blocks, which should be assumed pending further review to potentially result in partiality:
- alu_u32/src/add/columns.rs
- alu_u32/src/add/mod.rs
- alu_u32/src/bitwise/columns.rs
- alu_u32/src/bitwise/mod.rs
- alu_u32/src/div/columns.rs
- alu_u32/src/lt/columns.rs
- alu_u32/src/lt/mod.rs
- alu_u32/src/mul/columns.rs
- alu_u32/src/shift/columns.rs
- alu_u32/src/shift/mod.rs
- alu_u32/src/sub/columns.rs
- alu_u32/src/sub/mod.rs
- cpu/src/columns.rs
- cpu/src/lib.rs
- derive/src/lib.rs
- memory/src/columns.rs
- memory/src/lib.rs
- native_field/src/columns.rs
- native_field/src/lib.rs
- output/src/columns.rs
- output/src/lib.rs
- program/src/columns.rs
- range/src/columns.rs
- range/src/lib.rs
The following arithmetic operations may result in division by zero and a panic:
- In the implementation of Div::div for Word<u8>, in machine/src/core.rs, line 87.
- In the implementation of MemoryChip::insert_dummy_reads in memory/src/lib.rs, line 222.
- In the implementation of Instruction<M>::execute for Div32Instruction, in alu_u32/src/div/mod.rs, line 89.
The following unchecked array indexes may result in an out of bounds error and a panic:
- In the implementation of generate_permutation_trace in machine/src/chip.rs, lines 120, 166, 179, 182, and 189.
- In the implementation of generate_rlc_elements in machine/src/chip.rs, lines 285 and 300.
- In the implementation of CpuChip::set_instruction_values in cpu/src/lib.rs, line 248.
- In the implementation of CpuChip::pad_to_power_of_two in cpu/src/lib.rs, lines 328, 329, 330, 346, 347, 348, 351, 352, 355, 356, and 357.
The zk-VM run method is capable of non-terminating; see derive/src/lib.rs, lines 158-176. This is to be expected, because Valida is Turing complete. Perhaps, however, we should code in a maximum number of steps, in order to avoid partiality. We can even pass in the maximum number of steps as an input to the method.
Exception handling
The following arithmetic operations may result in unchecked overflow, resulting in different behavior in debug vs release compilation mode. For each of these, the desired resolution is likely (a) the overflow should wrap around, and this should be made explicit and made to happen in both debug and release mode, or (b) overflow is deemed to be impossible for all inputs, and should result in a panic with an informative error message. However, other resolutions are possible and these must be considered on a case by case basis.
In the implementation of
Word&<u8>, on line 57
In the implementation of
Word&<u8>, on line 67
In the implementation of
- The addition on line 108
- The first addition on line 109
- The second addition on line 109
- The first addition on line 113
- The second addition on line 113
In the implementation of
The addition on line 141 (computing
The addition on line 142 (computing
The addition on line 149 (computing
The addition on line 153 (computing
- The two additions on line 410
- The multiplication on line 410
The first and second additions on line 436 (i.e.,
fp + mem_addr)
The third addition on line 436 (i.e.,
(fp + mem_addr) + mem_buf_len)
The addition on line 470 (computing
The addition on line 472 (computing
The addition on line 491 (computing
The addition on line 492 (computing
The addition on line 512 (computing
The addition on line 513 (computing
- The addition on line 518
The addition on line 536 (computing
The addition on line 537 (computing
The addition on line 540 (computing
The addition on line 543 (computing
- The additive assignment on line 545
The addition on line 562 (computing
The addition on line 570 (computing
- The addition on line 576
The addition on line 594 (computing
The addition on line 602 (computing
- The addition on line 608
The addition on line 624 (computing
Every instance of
state.cpu_mut().pc += 1;
impl CpuChip:
On line 655 and 660,
self.pc += 1;
On line 668,
self.clock += 1;
The addition on line 145 (computing
The addition on line 146 (computing
The addition on line 153 (computing
The addition on line 181 (computing
The addition on line 182 (computing
The addition on line 190 (computing
The addition on line 217 (computing
The addition on line 218 (computing
The addition on line 225 (computing
alu_u32/src/div/mod.rs, in
The addition on line 77 (computing
The addition on line 78 (computing
The addition on line 85 (computing
alu_u32/src/lt/mod.rs, in
The addition on line 128 (computing
The addition on line 129 (computing
The addition on line 136 (computing
alu_u32/src/mul/mod.rs, in
The addition on line 123 (computing
The addition on line 124 (computing
The addition on line 131 (computing
The multiplication on line 135 (computing
The addition on line 172 (computing
The addition on line 172 (computing
The addition on line 180 (computing
The addition on line 216 (computing
The addition on line 217 (computing
The addition on line 224 (computing
alu_u32/src/sub/mod.rs, in
The addition on line 137 (computing
The addition on line 138 (computing
The addition on line 145 (computing
The subtraction on line 149 (computing
The addition on line 157 (computing
The addition on line 158 (computing
The addition on line 165 (computing
The addition on line 197 (computing
The addition on line 198 (computing
The addition on line 205 (computing
The addition on line 237 (computing
The addition on line 238 (computing
The addition on line 245 (computing
The subtraction on line 66 (computing
The addition on line 149 (computing
Floating point in verifiers
This review identified no potential issues with floating point in verifiers in the Valida code base.
Asymptotic complexity
The following algorithms are asymptotically slow:
- The implementation of Chip<M>::generate_trace for RangeCheckerChip<MAX>, in range/src/lib.rs, is O(MAX * log(|self.count|)) but can be done in O(|self.count| * log(|self.count|)). In this context, self.count is a BTreeMap<u32, u32> whose key space is [0, MAX). This means that |self.count|, the cardinality or number of keys of self.count, is less than or equal to MAX, and thus the algorithm is asymptotically slow, as noted by the comment.
If you’re interested in further discussions on this topic or working together on this subject, please reach out to us at research@delendum.xyz.
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